Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Heiskell School: The Heiskell Classic Golf Tournament

The Heiskell School: The Heiskell Classic Golf Tournament

Kindergarten Plus Traveled to Asian Countries

We have been busy in Kindergarten Plus traveling to China, Japan and India during February.  The children are having so much fun learning about the cultures and we even ate some Japanese crackers (with a hint of seaweed taste).  Some children loved the taste and others said, "No, thank you." 

Miss Kathy has friends who are missionaries in Japan and they will be sending the children a special snack.  We cannot wait to receive the package. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pajamas and Popsicles

The kindergarten children had a great pajama party this morning.  Children (and teachers) came to school wearing their PJs.  What a treat!

In Miss Kathy's class, we sang songs, did some of school work, and then sat down with our stuffed animals in circle time and listened to bedtime stories, ate our snacks and said a prayer.  Mom and Dad....the children are already for bed.  Just brush your teeth and get tucked in tonight!

A special treat was eating the popsicles outside at recess on a bright, sunny morning.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I have the sweetest class

     My classroom was full of hearts and love on Monday that flowed into Tuesday.  What great delight I had in seeing the children so excited to share their Valentine's with one another as we remembered that God's love is the greatest love.  

     A big thank you to the two moms who helped to make our party a success.  The children got to decorate their own heart-shaped cookie with frosting, M&Ms and conversation candy.  Later they played "Heart Bingo" using the M&M and candy as markers. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learning About China in Kindergarten Plus

  We are having a lot of fun in Kindergarten Plus learning about China.  The children have been making Chinese dragon puppets and learning about the food and culture.  We will also be making panda bear masks.  Ask your children questions about the panda bear and let them teach you what they have learned!